Thermo Systems Honors Veterans with a Special Tradition
The Thermo Systems team came together and celebrated our nation’s veterans with our second annual “Thermo Salute to Service” initiative. Inspired by the NFL’s similar program, our Salute to Service involves recognizing our veteran employees – which makeup over 17% of our staff – and highlighting the value our veterans bring to the Thermo team and Thermo customers.
In addition to celebrating the achievements of individual Thermo veterans each week, we have once again ran our annual Wounded Warriors Project fundraiser. To raise charity funds, Thermo team members made contributions to the Wounded Warrior Project in return for special swag, which Thermo then double-matched to raise money and awareness for the veteran organization. We are extremely impressed by the generosity of our Thermo family and are pleased to support The Wounded Warrior Project once again. To learn more about this charity, visit www.woundedwarriorproject.org.
We salute all of our nation’s veterans, especially our Thermo veterans, and thank all of our Thermo team members for their generous fundraising support again this year.