Thermo Promotes Tenured Leaders to Equity Partners
As part of our program to Empower our Next Generation of leaders, Thermo Systems is pleased to announce our new management partners. Since the company’s founding in 1998, this team at Thermo Systems has contributed to the company’s growth, serving customers across the globe. This group of longtime leaders embodies Thermo’s core goals of Customer Success, Employee Success, and Financial Success. For their ongoing efforts to serve our clients and the company, Thermo Systems has promoted these 14 tenured leaders to equity partners. Through this long-term commitment, Thermo Systems is well positioned to continue delivering exceptional customer and employee experiences for the next 25 years.

“Our new equity partners are an immensely talented group who have demonstrated an unwavering dedication to our clients over the years and championed the Thermo culture,” said David Musto, Thermo Systems’ President and CEO. “Congratulations to this amazing team!“