Culture & Team
At Thermo Systems, we have three simple goals:
Customer Success, Employee Success, and Financial Strength.
Customer Success, Employee Success, and Financial Strength.
Customer Success
Our number one priority is to provide each client with a completed project that exceeds his or her expectations. Our engineers take ownership of their projects and our clients recognize the extra effort we put into every endeavor. We invest in our people so that they, in turn, invest in our customers.Employee Success
We firmly believe in creating an environment in which every member of our team can excel. This includes providing the training, the tools, and the team support that enables each engineer to be successful. We enjoy the camaraderie of our engineering group and we take the time to recognize and celebrate our personal and professional accomplishments. Financial Strength
Thermo Systems is a strong and profitable company. The business is managed with a focus on long-term, steady progress. We believe that if we take care of Customer Success and Employee Success, then Financial Strength will follow as a result. Our formula works and every member of our staff shares in the company's success.Thermo University
Thermo University is a unique, innovative training program to help ensure that our employees have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their current work-related responsibilities and to provide a clear path forward for future growth and career development.
There are four main parts to the program: Control Systems Engineering, Safety, Business Development, and Management.
Safety is Our Priority
Thermo Systems has placed enormous emphasis on the safety of our employees and customers since our inception in 1998. Our entire team is OSHA10 certified and we require staff members who are management level and above to be OSHA30 certified. Our Director of Health & Safety along with our dedicated Safety Manager lead our safety team in conducting monthly toolbox talks and provide weekly safety tips to our entire team. Our ultimate goal is to provide our employees with as much safety knowledge as possible to ensure the highest level of safety on every job site.
Leadership Team